Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sleeping at the Zoo

Tonight Matt gets to spend the night at the Cincinnati Zoo as a field trip. I think they are sleeping with Manatees. How cool is that for a field trip? I am very excited and wish I were there....sort of. Sleeping on the floor with 50 5Th graders who plan to stay up all night isn't exactly appealing. But I think it would be so cool to have access to the zoo at night and with no other visitors. Ron wanted to chaperone so badly but Matt didn't want us to come. It is hard watching kids want their independence. I think it hurt Ron's feelings. I wouldn't mind for Matt to have a little parental supervision. We have always been so involved in everything he does that maybe its time to let him do some things without us around.
I certainly do not intend to be a helicopter parent. But I am not sure I want to raise self sufficient children. Isn't it good to need others? I want them to have a reliance on God first but I also want them to know there is value in others. So, somehow I need to find that balance of not being a hovering parent but let them know that as a parent, I am available. I want them to know that our heavenly father is available always and eternally. He is faithful and will not make a mistake. As humans and as hard as we try, we will disappoint, make mistakes, etc but there is still value in relationship. I just pray God shows me the right amount of involvement.

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